This is just a tip and trick for removing the stuck gun from the vehicle. Ideally, the customer should get in touch with the charging station service provider. These tips and tricks to be used in a condition where you are stuck and there is no other option remaining for you other than this. The total responsibility for any kind of damage or loss is the responsibility of the reader / car owner only.

EVs are similar to electronic gadgets, when they receive different commands at the same time or any command does not match the standards then the vehicle behaves undesirably.

To remove the stuck gun, you need to reset the thinking / processing of the vehicle. So for that once the gun is stuck and there is no other option for you or you are at a place where there is no help, you can try using following steps.

  1. make your vehicle driving mode (it will give you a warning for gun)
  2. Once your vehicle is in driving mode, press the foot break and count the seconds till 30.
  3. After that your vehicle get processing reset and releases gun.
  4. Immediately pull the gun and the gun will be removed.

In this way you are stopping the vehicle processes from getting confused and making the vehicle to remove the gun.

Once again remember this is the last option you should choose and to be executed with utmost safety. Safety should always be on priority.