1. Stay calm and avoid using excessive force, as it could potentially damage the charging equipment or the vehicle.
  2. Verify that the charging connector is properly aligned with the EV’s charging port. Misalignment can sometimes cause the gun to become stuck.
  3. Check for a release button or lever on the charging gun or connector. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to press or pull it, which should release the locking mechanism. Different connectors may have different mechanisms, such as a mechanical button or an electronic release.
  4. If no visible release mechanism is present, refer to the EV’s user manual or contact the charging station operator for guidance. They may have specific instructions or tools to address the situation.
  5. If all attempts fail, and you are unable to safely release the charging gun, it is advisable to contact the charging station operator or their support line. Trained personnel will be able to assist you in safely resolving the issue without causing harm to the EV or the charging equipment.

Remember to exercise caution and seek professional help to prevent accidents or damage.